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Special filmstrips - examples

The special filmstrip actions create unconventional filmstrip effects, loosely based on the traditional 35mm format.

Each one of the following 'fimstrips' is available with rectangular and round sprocket holes:

sprocket holes styles

You define the filmstrip size at the beginning of the action: the actions use vector graphics, producing crisp details no matter the filmstrip size. The Photoshop version makes extensive use of smart objects: you can change any of the filmstrip photos in the final PSDs.

Film casettes:

Create casettes with 1, 2, or 3 photos. Customizable canister colors and text labels.

Film canister with 1 photo
Film canister with 2 photos
Film canister with 3 photos

Filmstrip photo discs:

The impressive "Infinite loop", with 12 photo slots:

infinite loop

Disc with 6 photos:

6 photos disc

Disc with 8 photos:

Disc with 8 photos:

Disc with 12 photos:

Disc with 12 photos:

Clapperboard frames:


clapperboard closed


clapperboard tilted

"Symmetry" effects:

Vertical sprocket holes (ratios: 3:2, 4:3, 1:1, 16:9)

symmetry vertical

Horizontal sprocket holes (ratios: 3:2, 4:3, 1:1, 16:9)

symmetry horizontal

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