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Documentation - freebies

Each PanosFX add-on comes with detailed instructions to guide you through the execution of Photoshop actions. Additionally, this section offers additional support through video tutorials and PDF user guides for specific PanosFX freebies.

The articles are sorted alphabetically by add-on name.

Using the BARS and TILES actions

HAND FAN documentation

Using the HAND FAN actions

INTERWEAVING MAGIC actions documentation

Using the INTERWEAVING MAGIC actions

OUT of BOUNDS documentation

Using the OUT of BOUNDS actions

PAGE CURLS documentation

Using the PAGE CURLS actions

how to use the Projection Screen Photoshop actions

Using the PROJECTION SCREEN actions

REFLECTIONS actions guide

Using the REFLECTIONS actions

SYMMETRY documentation

Using the SYMMETRY actions

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  • You get every new product and updates for the next 12 months!
  • You get 50% off, if you wish to renew your yearly license.