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How to remove older (or trial) versions of PanosFX actions

It's recommended to remove the old version of a particular set of Photoshop actions before downloading and using the latest one. Here's a step-by-step guide:

STEP 1: Unload the old version from the Actions Panel

If the actions are loaded in the actions panel, please select the actions set (1). Then, click on the panel's trash icon to unload it (2):

This process won't delete the files from your hard disk; it will only unload the actions from Photoshop. To delete the files, please proceed to step 2.

actions panel

STEP 2: Delete the old files from your hard disk

It's recommended that you delete older file versions. If you wish to keep them for any reason, move them to a specific folder, for example, 'PanosFX old versions'.

If you can't recall the location of the folder containing the old version, follow these steps:

  • Mac users: Press Ctrl-space for Spotlight. Search for pfx (pre-2021 add-on versions) or panosfx (from 2021 onwards), and wait. When the search finishes, click 'Show all in Finder'.
  • Windows users: Open File Explorer and go to your hard disk's root directory (e.g., C:\). Enter pfx (pre-2021 add-on versions) or panosfx (from 2021 onwards) in the upper-right search box.

Search results will show you all PanosFX add-ons' folders. Carefully select the folder of the add-on you wish to delete!

STEP 3: Download the new files

Download and unzip the latest version from PanosFX. Move the extracted folder where you keep the PanosFX add-on files. You can now delete the zip file you downloaded, or move it to an external drive to keep as a backup. 

Finally, you can load the new actions in Photoshop using the Actions Panel (Window > Actions).

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